We have been very busy with walks this spring, the busiest we have ever been really. It is always difficult with the weather at this time of year. I always say that walking with Llamas should be fun! so walking on Dartmoor with horizontal rain and the wind blowing a hoolly is not what I describe as fun.
So in the past two weeks we have had a few walks booked in and we managed to all but one of them. The one we canceled because of a severe weather warning for wind and rain, didn’t sound like it would be fun for us or the llamas. The walks we have done have been great, sunny weather, quite warm most of the time and only a couple of showers. We were really lucky as in between we have had lots of rain, strong winds and even snow and that was just one day! The forecast is not looking good with more wintery showers so fingers crossed that won’t be on the days we have walks
One of the best things about t
his time of year is that the skies are great, ever changing, lots of sunshine, fantastic cloud formations giving shadows over the moors, when it is clear we can see right down to the sea on the south coast.
The views never cease to amaze me, it is stunningly beautiful.
We have met some lovely people over the last couple of weeks and have had some great walks, the Llamas really enjoy this time of the year as there are all the new shoots on the Gorse, Heather and Whortleberry plants. It must be like going for a walk in a sweet shop for them.